Support Silicon Dojo at: Operational and Physical Security What are Operational and Physical Security Operational Security is security around HOW your organization operates Physical Security is use to prevent theft/ damage Surveillance is used to gain visibility into an event Deterrence is used to keep people fro deciding to attack your organization Surveillance is NOT SECURITY Surveillance will show how you got screwed… Make cameras as obvious as possible Add creepy events to triggers Turn on lights when there is motion Play .wav file when there is motion Notify employee and use 2 way communication to say “hi” Culture Process for Security Issues Who does someone call if there is an issue? How does a security problem escalate? Are employees comfortable confronting others? Are employees comfortable calling the police? How will your systems be tested? Force Continuum… Response Plan After an event what happens? Operational Security Buy Ugly Crackheads don’t do spec checks… Employee Background Checks Employees are the #1 threat to a company. What is the SECURITY vetting process? Approval Process How are changes approved? How are employees given greater system rights? How are current rights audited? Need to Know Knowing the target is half the battle… Do help desk employees need to know the back end is on Azure? Social Media Linked in is an amazeballs intelligence resource. “CTO of Dumb Company” What are your IT people posting to Github? Marking Doors / Weird Office Layouts Along with Need to Know. Does the secretary need to know where the server room is? Is your office so intuitive “even a hacker” won’t get lost? “You seem to be lost?” Selecting Office Space Crime Rate Layers of Security Got Server Room? Ability to Modify Space ISP Connectivity Property Management Quality (Forward Thinking?) Physical Security Access Control Locks keep good people from being stupid. What would happen in a workplace violence scenario? Record Access Events Trigger cameras based off of Access Events Have a centrally controllable system. Difficult systems to use breed complacency. Fail Safe vs Fail Secure Physically Locking Systems BIOS/ UEFI Security Lock what media the PC will boot off of Disable insecurities USB Locks USB port Blocker (Kind of Expensive) Rubber Cement Unplug Front USB port Cable BIOS/ UEFI USB Control Network Port Blockers Server Boxes Server Cabinets Lockable Doors Cages Anti Theft Cables Lighting WE SEE YOU!!! Security Systems Environmental Sensor Burglary Sensors Notifications and Response the end